Gemma Richarsdon

Legal Practice Director

T: (08) 6118 4557   M: 0466 319 142   Ereception@richardsonfamilylaw.com.au  

Unit 2, 79 Waratah Avenue, Dalkeith | PO Box 190, Mosman Park WA 6912


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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Contact Us

We can meet you at our office, via Zoom and/or by telephone.
While we appreciate prior notice, your accountant and/or financial advisor and/or best friend may attend appointments with you.
We invite you to take advantage of our one-off 20-minute complimentary telephone consultation.*
We also offer a one-off, one-hour fixed fee initial consultation for $200 plus GST.*
*As long as there is no conflict of interest.